Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Building A Wooden Swing Set Building My Own Wooden Swing Set...ideas?

Building my own wooden swing set...ideas? - building a wooden swing set

We review all outdoor games in the woods and find them quite fragile in search of money. My hand-man, the man can build a safer, but we are certain ideas that they may have done. Space is huge, if we want to build this, we want a good size for children and grandchildren. We completely avoid the kits because it is not what we do .... Thanks for the help!


average jane said...

We have our own goals befriended. They can be incredibly creative way. My friend is using real-pole, you would in an old "Let's see" schoolyard. They have made at Nice and high (I mean, the pole is high, which means that the oscillations as a bigger bow and can be higher), the Poles, the ladder, a steel floor found word for strength, "" to field a flyer for Decktop fees, etc. They have designed their own, so you think outside the box as much as material / design thinking. Check your playground for ideas. Good luck.

somerand... said...

I am looking for existing plans, swing, such as those that may come with the sentence, then your own, with plans as a guideline.

The concern is that simply a whole that is more in almost all pre-designed sets marks can create, but not so stable in use. All my tests in static or swing slowly, but ...

I would say that at least some idea of the size, distance and angle of the legs are currently in use.

** Edit **

I have this question for someone to swing. Hopefully we will soon find an answer.

Tim E said...

My son just bought a kit for your one year old his first birthday. It had all the necessary hardware, nuts, bolts, swing sets, braces, etc. we needed. It was not so high, and you have swings and things anyway, also said the assembly instructions and that the size of wood you need to buy. We finished with a nice touch with prices that are trying to go into the store and buy all the equipment specified separately, you save more gas and complaints have to go anywhere to try to find what you need. I have no idea where it swings and chains, seems to buy the team to be pretty clear. Good luck.

Remodel GC said...

Yes you can! I saw some drawings before they built me two swings, a vocal band, a slide, a rock wall to a tower, a ladder, a platform of the tower to the blade and a cover of the tower. It costs about $ 900 with materials and components and took 2 days to build, but will receive 30 minutes of play for children is priceless!

cl_freem... said...

Probably a total of 12, but they are very active / vocal about it.

You can see that David White (aka CJ, Chris and even "St. David") is a typical example, that the pike did not say what he said, but he is still on Freemasonry, what kind of Christian they do it ? who knows the truth about Jesus, but the gap, anger and hatred in your name ... and is regarded primarily as a saint.

As you know, Freemasonry is not diabolical, there is nothing in it at all levels, whether the worship of Satan / Lucifer, etc., can not Freemasons

all claims are both incorrect information on the 100 and 700 years ago.

the first 700 years of King Philip the Fair, who said that the Templars adored Baphomet. Pope Clement, who was interviewed by the Templars, the fact that the cult is called Baphomet, which devout Christians who prayed 7 times a day ... (which curiously leads to another complaint against the masons masons began to Islam, and of course there are anti-masons Muslims who claim that Freemasonry is a Puppand the Zionist movement - which are filled with hot air) ...

the second was played 100 years ago, Leo Taxil a trick Freemasonry and the Catholic Church has recognized that it was a lie, that where the term comes from the luciferin, who immortalized the word misled by some anti - Mason Propaganda announce this lie ...


Fallen Angel, here is the quote from grade 19 of the Scottish Rite Jurisdiction in the southern United States:

"Name of Lucifer the light bearer" strange and mysterious, the spirit of darkness! Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears the light, and with his brilliance intolerable blinds, low sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt not!

For me there is no way any reasonable person would say, "said Pike, that Lucifer is God. This is to say clearly that Lucifer is Light "Pike pointed out in italics, [IMHO] is used to seduce rather than true light, but a false light, Satan uses people temptfar from God.

section hand said...

The "Celestial Lodge" in the sky can be achieved in several ways;
They are many "good works" ----- Waste: Reach the sky with the work of the grace of the man --- Religion is dangerous because it shows another way is the only way, based on the basis of Jesus' blood God is the only acceptable way to man through faith in the Word of God and moved by the Holy Spirit, Salvation

A born again believer has to lie in order to join, but must knock and ask
If he can come in the darkness;
Yes, I think they are a religion of Satan;

Silent said...

The problem is that many Christians feel that something-Christian (especially believe everything somehow Pagan) is standard satanic. It is a common rhetorical Christian leader to his followers against someone or something lower.

Mrs. G said...

I know. I saw lol But I've heard stories. ...

Christian purity said...

It is satanic especially at higher levels.

Spydr said...

Very nice post. What David ... HEY STUPID, READ Albert Pike! He never said, you're a liar, and everyone here knows it. If you're really a Christian, would tell the truth

JAMES K said...

As you know, there was everywhere in Freemasonry Lucifer.

steadfas... said...

Thank you for this information.

Fallen Angel said...

I do not agree with David. No offense, but you say that if a murderer is put hello, and think for a split second in Jesus should be forgiven? Even if they had been robbed, beaten and killed dozens of girls? I think not. Perhaps, if I really believed in God and asked forgiveness of his sins true, then it could be accepted into heaven. But if it is only with "Oh my God, please forgive me" as a card session was hell, it would not be accepted. I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus and in God, but my stepfather is a mason, and I saw the meetings and not once did anyone mention anything about Satan or something like Satanism. As you can tell if you have no idea? You can have multiple search engines or testing satanismbeingg to masonry related, but we have real data, and false beliefs. Is Again, I mean no offense, I say Freemasonry only is satanic and it's not good to say, it is. Masons do not worship. In fact, almost all of my masonsLodge father are Christians and believe in Jesus and God, so please do not do so, do not know with certainty that they are satanic. Has God evil and masonry, to prevent this? Is it in the Bible? If so, please send it to me. No, Rainbow Girl, I do not believe that Freemasonry is satanic. Please give me Referance exact quote Albert Pike, who said that Freemasonry is satanic and worship Satan. I would like a book or a document of a specific page and paragraph specific. I want to see for myself.

Grela LaTuc said...

Thank you for your explanation. I think many people are surprised how many actually mason in any religion. It is not and never was a Satanic organization. It is simply human nature for those who do not understand the demonizing, and something about the lies about the practice, what these groups.

A good friend, the widow of a 32nd Degree Mason, he asked what he was doing with his Bible. It ended at the Masonic Temple, they were very happy to get it. I looked through the Bible, before they had was an RV is very beautifully illustrated.

Texas Rocks my socks off! said...

My ex was a bricklayer and my great-grandmother was a star of the East and my great-grandfather was a bricklayer and I understand that times have changed. Some things that sound strange cult that has made me great, not today seem. I have nothing solid to say yes. It's all rumors and hearsay, because it had never been present. I really want to the roots of IT research, instead of asking who could smell another builder if he / she thinks you're crazy. You can probably see a few things in solid line. I think the biggest objection is people that Freemasonry is so mysterious and enigmatic, which raises the question why? People unaccepting things that have usually no data, and if anything they are bad things, like what Albert Pike said, ...

David said...

Freemasonry is satanic. Freemason Albert Pike said that the Freemasons worship Lucifer (Satan).

And they reject the truth that Jesus is God and Savior, teaches that cause things to Freemasonry in hell.

Freemasonry Avoid at all costs.

__A_YAHO... said...

Unfortunately, the people of something they do not understand or do not charge it, know it, afraid - very sad on several levels, where people might be about other things such as plants are limited, food, community, etc.

But in general, you should understand the Christian churches preached fire and brimstone, to illuminate what appears to be a taboo subject (note, I am) a Christian. However, these taboos, became man, and also the "fear" or "skepticism"
Oh, and no, I am not a Freemason, or reconstruction - but believe me that the lessons are mainly for one purpose - self-improvement and enhancement of life and civilization of mankind.

simonzer... said...

Masons built this land of freedom, in contrast to the previous holder of the world, the Christian clergy were not able to read, if the Jesus freaks still things going. You see someone who has that led to the tyranny of the mind and the soul of the Catholic Church and the Freemasons and the church to fight, has tried to paint as satanic, because they resist the lies of Christianity and Catholics in particular. I sincerely believe that as a Satanist by the type of people in the church is a compliment is like Hitler calling Einstein an idiot. I hope that the tears of humanity through the facade of the "sanctity" of the sick mind Officials ivory tower in Rome, and covers the science and understanding over fear and perversion of the church. Compare the time, the rate of pedophilia to the "Holy See" note to the Freemasons, and that not only abuse the spirit of Christianity and the soul, but also the bodies of innocent children.
No wonder demonize that, like the Freemasons, the sad sight could keep on the road?

Don D said...

There are now, where they were abducted and corrupt. ...

Pike in the coming days to purify himself and said, "Morals and Dogma", which are satanic.

Crowley was a Satanist cult was the angels and other things pd.

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