Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do More Men Like Big Tits Or Small How Can I Get Bigger Chest So That I Can Get A Boyfriend?

How can I get bigger chest so that I can get a boyfriend? - do more men like big tits or small

I had a baby two years ago. Silly me, I decided to breast-feed for 6 Mnth. So now I'm not ****. They were very young, before they become pregnant. Now they are even smaller and wrinkled! What should I do now? I can not implant. I eat and eat, but not in weight and size in the chest. Nobody wants me with this. I'm not as nice as I was when I was a teenager (I'm in my 20s). I had a great body, but at least had a pretty face.


christine c said...

I do not think you really need to worry about the size of the breast. I feel my heart still is not working properly in a cup of A. .. haha I know it sounds almost flat, but my friend does not bother me. if the guy really loves you worried about the size of the breast.

.. said...

Why should a man accept the effect on your body, how it is used?.

Steamyst... said...

Do not worry.

love/hat... said...

Darling not worry if you find a man who really loves you worry about the usual place of a lawyer or yer breasts for this question. I am also very conscious of the body, but my friend loves me. Believe me, I know how you feel. and in yer face so that the body needs to go with

Dude said...

Eat more "Tamirind" and those things which produce more acidic a female of this

Emily D said...

It should not matter!

Good Deeds said...

I'm sure are very nice. Good people do not look at her breasts as a means of beauty. When she tries to bend exercises chest muscle exercises. To eat healthy foods. I'm sure it is very good. :-) You are loyal to you and

redtibur... said...

Do not worry about the size of their breasts. Is your confidence and your personality. Seriously, you care about your breasts as you make your little finger. :)

Expertad... said...

Breastfeeding is good for ur children
To see guys like the girl looks like me, and then the face of the body
Keep calm

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